Burrito causes bomb scare in Oklahoma City

„Eine Tortilla alleine enthält 300 Kalorien. Wenn man die Kalorien dazurechnet, die der Belag enthält, könnte man gleich einen Burrito mit 1.500 oder mehr Kalorien bestellen. […] Das einzig Gesunde daran ist der Reis.“ (Bild: thinkstock)

No, this headline is not a bean flatulence joke.

Police in Oklahoma city told the Associated Press a man walked into a police station on Thursday carrying a container with foil wrap poking out of it. The man said he thought the object was suspiciously heavy, so he delivered it for investigation.

Alerted to danger, the police told the man to drop the container outside, the AP reported. The bomb squad went out to X-ray the container, but determined there were no explosives hidden within that mysterious foil wrapping — only a burrito.

A dangerous lunch indeed.

[ Related: Seattle restaurant’s customers photograph babies next to newborn-sized burritos ]

Police used the incident as an opportunity to remind that public that if they think they've found a bomb on their lawns, they shouldn't carry it to the police station.

On Wednesday, emergency services were called to an apartment building in Coos Bay, Ore. after someone reported hearing a bang like an explosion, according to KCBY.com. However, the flaming object that whooshed down to the sidewalk was nothing more than a pan of burning peanut brittle a resident had thrown out the window after a baking mishap.

Earlier this month, an unmarked box mailed to a high school in Nevada caused a bomb scare before police opened it and discovered it contained only dirty clothes.