Pit bull rescues cat from coyote attack in Florida

Pit Bull Saves Cat from Hungry Coyotes

It was a faceoff between domestic and wild. Allegiances were formed in a Florida yard recently when coyotes attacked a pet cat — and a pit bull rushed to her rescue.

MyFoxTampaBay.com reported Sherree Lewis of Seminole, Fla., was near the door of her house with her rescue cat, Kitty, and her son's rescue dog, Jack, when she spotted two coyotes on her property.

The coyotes scooped up the cat shook her violently, Lewis told Fox.

"One had her by the neck and the other had her by the tail," she said.

Kitty surely would have met her end between the jaws of those wild animals if a domestic canine — her pal Jack — hadn't leaped to her rescue, Lewis told media.

The pit bull ran over and drove off the coyotes, who dropped Kitty as they left, Fox reported. The cat has cuts, brain swelling and a broken tooth, and she can't walk yet, but she is recovering under Jack's watchful eye.

They were pals before, but Lewis told Fox the dog now watches for any returning coyotes, acting as canine protector for his feline friend.

Earlier this year, it was a cat who saved a little dog named Izzy from an attack by a bigger dog in Ohio when it diverted the attacker's attention, giving Izzy a chance to escape, and then running up a tree.

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