U.S. President Barack Obama’s popularity hits three-year high

They like him, they really like him. It seems the American public is more fond of President Barack Obama than the NRA would wish them to be.

A new poll released by the Washington Post as found that Obama is riding a wave of popularity early in his second term.

A full 60 per cent of Americans have a favourable opinion of Obama — the highest rating since his very first year in office.

Keep in mind that the last time Obama won an election reached 68 per cent popularity, so there is that.

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Is this some sign that the U.S. is tilting liberal? After all, the rise in popularity comes as Obama chases more liberal-based goals, including gun control measures and immigration reform. He held the line against Republicans on the fiscal cliff.

Maybe. After all, as Obama's numbers went up, ratings for Fox News went down.

The Huffington Post points out that Fox News had in January its worst prime time rating since 2001.

To be fair, the conservative-leaning network still held nine of the top 10 most-watched news programs. So it is not like they are in crisis mode. No more than usual, anyway.