Secrets to happiness from around the world

Happiness: it's a worldwide pursuit.

Author and "life expert in optimism" Leo Bormans studied the research of 100 experts all over the world, looking to compile the secrets of being happy. His findings aren't necessarily new — most of us would recognize that choosing to be content with what we have and surrounding ourselves is key to personal happiness — but the list of happiness "secrets" is certainly a great reminder that daily joy, which might contribute to a longer life, isn't inaccessible.

"You always have the freedom to choose the manner in which you wish to approach any given situation," Dr. Garcia Vega of the University of Monterrey, Mexico, one of the contributing experts, says in Bormans' book.

The following "how to be happy" list is found in Bormans' book "The World Book of Happiness."

1. Accept what you have.
2. Enjoy what you do.
3. Live for today.
4. Choose happiness.
5. Relationships.
6. Stay busy.
7. Don't compare.
8. Be yourself.
9. Stop worrying.
10. Get organized.
11. Think positive.
12. Value happiness.

Read more at The Mail Online.

Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, gave the book to world leaders at the start of the new year.

Other happiness secrets we've looked at here at The Lighter Side: earn $75,000 a year — and spend money on others.

(Also, happiness might be genetic.)

What's your secret to personal happiness?