Ask and the universe shall answer – via Twitter

Have you ever marveled aloud at the universe and all the strange mysteries it holds? If you'd done it on Twitter, you would have received a reply.

A Twitter account under the handle @THEUNIVERSE has started answering anyone on the social media site who shares their thoughts about the universe at large. Here's a sampling of what the universe has to say about some of the musings it has come across:

@THEUNIVERSE parody account is run by Amathev, according to Mashable, who shared his prank with other Reddit users early Friday. The idea was well-received there, as it has been on Twitter. Since creating the account, Amathev has amassed over 6,000 followers.

In order to avoid Twitter's spam filters, @THEUNIVERSE is only replying to a certain number of tweets each day. So far, the account seems to be flying under the spam radar and hasn't been mistaken for a bot. Looks like Twitter will continue receiving replies from the universe — or at least @THEUNIVERSE — for a while yet.

And if anyone gets a straight answer from @THEUNIVERSE if 42 really is the answer to life, the universe and everything, please let me know.