
Twitter responds to Vic Toews with #TellVicEverything hashtag

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews opened a can of worms even he couldn't have seen coming when defending the bill to allow police access to Canadians' Internet activity. And the little birdies on Twitter are diving in for the feast.

Toews' Twitter account (@ToewsVic) has been inundated with tweets marked with the hashtag #TellVic everything, as users take a more lighthearted approach to the Tories' bill seeking greater access to their Internet activity.

These are a few of our favourite tweets from users as they share the mundane aspects of their life with the minister:

Some users are also using the hashtag #DontToewsMeBro to share their displeasure.

Not everyone is responding to Toews' stance on the bill in such a lighthearted manner, particularly after his declaration that Canadians either "stand with us, or with the child pornographers." The Twitter account @vikileaks30 is allegedly tweeting details from Toews' divorce proceedings in 1999, according to Yahoo! Canada News' Political Points.