These 14 Facebook Moms Take Toxicity, Ignorance, And Inappropriateness To The Next Level
Whenever I think nothing can surprise me anymore, I look at r/ShitMomGroupsSay and am immediately humbled. Here are the 14 wildest posts I saw on there this month:
1.This mom who isn't ready to release the claw-like grip she has on her adult son:
2.This mom who's demanding money from her teenage son for...having friends over?:
3.This mom who skipped sex ed:
4.This mom who is not taking the threat of rabies seriously enough:
5.This mom who created a fire hazard for her kid:
6.This mom who's strongly considering leaving her 17-month-old home alone without a babysitter:
7.This mom who is refusing to give her newborn proper nutrients, and in result, is starving them:
8.This mom who has no respect for her kid's self-expression:
9.This mom who brought her baby to a chiropractor, and is wondering why she has an injury:
10.This mom who casually airs out her child's personal business on the internet:
11.This mom who earnestly believes Tylenol puts glitter in their products:
12.This mom who snidely refers to getting vaccinated as "getting cupcaked:"
13.This mom who's looking for advice on how to slash her poor daughter's confidence:
14.And finally, this mom who should be investigated for even asking this question: