15 Shock, Shock, Shockinggggg Secrets That Are Just Downright Unfathomable

Recently Reddit user Salt-Broccoli-7846 asked the community, "What's the most disturbing secret you've ever been told?"

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tony Hale in "VEEP"

They didn't hold anything back, and confessed some of the most traumatizing secrets they've ever learned. They're truly baffling, and I, for one, am taken back people revealed them.

Marsai Martin in "black-ish"

So, here are some disturbing secrets I'm pretty sure will leave you speechless:

Note: Some submissions were pulled from the BuzzFeed Community.

Note: Some submissions include topics of drugs, violence, and sexual assault. Please proceed with caution.

1."One of my uncles almost beat a guy to death with his bare hands. He had walked in on a friend molesting a kid. He had to pay a fine and do community service for a long time, but also didn’t have to pay for beer at the local bar for a few months. He was so reserved and kind, so it threw me when I found out what he did in his younger years."


2."While driving a sweet old lady in my senior citizens center home one afternoon about two years ago, she told me that she served seven years in prison for manslaughter. She killed her boyfriend, then said she would kill me if I told anyone."


A person's hand is holding the steering wheel of a car, with the sun setting in the background. The image is serene and focuses on driving during sunset
Oscar Wong / Getty Images

3."My old coworker was an ex-gang member/door knocker. He also told me when he was on 'vacation back home in Samoa,' he was really back in Utah getting revenge on the dude who shot up his apartment when he was living there. He's an amazing family man and great guy, but after hearing all that, I couldn’t help but see him in a new light and take him a little more seriously since he was really goofy and free going, almost like a class clown type. He’s got my back like a brother, but me and him are of two different worlds and mindsets after such a revelation."


4."I knew my mom's grandpa had died young (at around 55 years old), but never knew how. Apparently, a cop was driving drunk and way over speed limit. He hit my great-grandpa's tractor from behind, which flipped over and slid over 200 feet killing him instantly. The cop had to pay around $1,000 (in today's money as compensation), but did not get sentenced to jail or anything else for that matter. It's a very small town, and the cop was 'buddy buddy' with the town leaders."


5."When my dad was younger he joined the air force. His mother (my grandmother, who I couldn't stand), almost had a nervous breakdown because she was afraid he would go over seas. I found out from a very reliable source that she actually prayed that something would happen to him to prevent him from going over seas. About six months into his enlistment, he was struck with a crippling disease that caused him to have to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair."


A U.S. Air Force camouflage uniform with an American flag in the background
Catlane / Getty Images

6."My mom got pregnant her senior year of high school (my mom told me this last year). She gave the baby up for adoption to one of my aunt's friends. I'm 41 now, and my half-sister is 47. Several family members have taken the secret to their grave."


7."There's a director of a nursing home near where I live, and she had a boyfriend who was in a wheelchair. She was a registered nurse and had sex with him every night. Every nursing home he was in, she went to work there and continued to have sex with him every night. She never stopped, and now she's the director of a nursing home. She used him to pay her nursing school bills that were left, and when the money ran out, she did, too. She never got in trouble for it, and she never lost her nursing degree."


Two adults walking down a well-lit hallway in a healthcare facility. One individual assists the other using a walking aid
Maskot / Getty Images

8."My grandma told me that before I was born, my mother had an affair with my dad’s married brother. She apparently cheated a lot. When I was out of the house and married, my dad got a letter in the mail telling him she was cheating again and going on trips with this guy. They finally got divorced."


9."My father told me a story about his ex. They were young and she wanted to have one of his children, so anytime after they had sex, she would do a handstand against the wall butt-ass naked so she would get pregnant. This was a huge red flag, but he continued to stay with her for a few years after (and she did eventually get pregnant)."


10."I had a roommate show me an article in the local section of the city newspaper. It was about a young man killed outside of a club. He had gotten into a fight and the other person punched him — then he fell and hit his head on the curb and later died. The incident had happened a year prior, and they were still looking for the suspect. My roommate told me it was him — he had punched the dude. He had a bad temper, so I believed him."


Outside view of a chic venue with illuminated architectural details and velvet rope barriers, hinting at an exclusive event or club
King Lawrence / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

11."My coworker would trauma dump on me. I'm not sure why people are attracted to me and always tell me their darkest secrets — I never asked to be their therapist. She told me she used to work for a three-letter agency and they would regularly do hardcore drugs on weekends with coworkers/friends. I'm not talking about weed — I'm talking the white powdery kind, and they never got caught. I was baffled. There I was on the straight and narrow when I could have experimented. With my luck, I would have been caught — some people are just born to be lucky."


12."My cousin died of an overdose several years ago. He was awesome and I loved him very much. Recently my aunt told me that when she was in the ambulance with him on the way to the hospital, she was trying to get a hold of anyone in the family because she was panicking and just needed someone. She couldn’t reach my aunts, so she called my dad. When he answered, she was obviously really emotional and worked up. She said, '[My son] just overdosed and is on the way to the hospital.' My dad responded by yelling at her, 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT?!' I knew she was telling the truth because he did the same thing to me when I called him several years ago upset about something. He never apologized when he found out my cousin didn’t make it. My dad is a really complicated person — sometimes he’s a good dude and sometimes he’s a complete bastard. It’s so hard and confusing having a parent like that."


An ambulance speeding through a city street at night with lights flashing
Marco_piunti / Getty Images

13."I am 43 and recently found out that my grandfather (who passed away before I was born) was in prison when he was 16 for killing his father. There were reports of child and spouse abuse and alcoholism. My family looked at it as if he was protecting his siblings. When he got out of prison he met my grandmother, and they had 11 children who were protected until his death."


14."I (30F) was sexually assaulted as a young child, and on top of that, I was raised in an extremely conservative Christian household and was told things like having sex before marriage or engaging in masturbation was a terrible sin. I'd 'burn in hell' and all that. Because of this, I've rarely had a sex life in a romantic relationship because of this trauma. Last year, I approached someone, and after months of talking about the painful details of my past, I started a friends-with-benefits relationship with him. One that is focused on me, moves at my own pace, and is about working through everything. We both agreed there are no feelings, just learning and education. The kicker is he's old enough to be my dad, and my entire family has known him for years before this started. No one else knows I'm doing this, but I want to have a future partner who doesn't have to deal with all this baggage."


15.And, "I never knew my grandfather, great-grandmother, or great-grandfather on my dad's side. I was told they passed away before I was born, or I was too young to remember them. Last year, I started looking into my family history and found things that did not add up. After constantly asking my dad, he finally told me everything. He said my grandfather was murdered in a murder-suicide, my great-grandmother was killed in a carjacking and stuffed in the trunk, and my great-grandfather was killed by some young guy swinging a 2x4 to his head after being confronted about illegally dumping on his land. Apparently, The Deadly Eighties was true for my family."


A home with an open front door is blocked off by yellow "Crime Scene Do Not Cross" tape. No people are visible in the image
Adamkaz / Getty Images

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.