18 People Who Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Funnier Than You'll Ever Be, No Offense

1.This person who announced that they got a raise by sending their friend this picture:

Avocado stacked between two slices of bread, sitting on a blue plate with an avocado wedge in front. Three drink containers are in the background
u/loanmagic24 / Via reddit.com

2.The IT employees who presented their coworker with this cake at their going away party:

Cake with a Windows XP error message that reads "Job failed successfully" on an icing screen in a pastry box
u/ultramagnes23 / Via reddit.com

3.This person who carved this Halloween pumpkin:

Pumpkin carved with a digital tip screen showing options: 15%, 20%, 25%, and custom
u/RudyWillingham / Via reddit.com

4.This person gifted their coworker these VERY specific snacks after they broke their toe:

Assorted king-size candy bars (KitKat, Crunch, Butterfinger, Reese's Fast Break) and a bottle of grape Crush soda on a metal surface
u/Brandeeno2245 / Via reddit.com

5.This person who placed this sign outside a London bar:

Chalkboard sign on a sidewalk reads, "All Americans must be accompanied by an adult."
u/Sans010394 / Via reddit.com

6.This person who wrote an important memo on a message board:

A humorous sign reads: "Some people should use a glue stick instead of chapstick." A vintage car is parked below the sign
u/Regular-Medium1827 / Via reddit.com

7.This person who made these cards to be passed out at their funeral:

Photo of the dead person giving the finger, along with "Let's keep in touch!" and a Ouija board saying "Goodbye"
u/False-State6969 / Via reddit.com

8.This person who added a warning sign because they kept hitting their head while walking down the stairs:

Photo of a duck at a flight of stairs
u/hot_controller / Via reddit.com

9.This person who made some surprising art on the coffee they made for a customer:

A dog pooping outlined in the foam of a cup of coffee
u/capt-nemo3 / Via reddit.com

10.This person who put up this sign on April Fools' Day:

"Blockbuster coming soon" sign on scaffolding
u/Frat_Panda / Via reddit.com

11.This person who took away their child's Nintendo Switch privileges:

A Nintendo Switch with tiny locks on the button
u/CaramelExpensive7393 / Via reddit.com

12.This person who put a lock on a tire to prevent the vehicle from moving:

A single tire with a lock in a parking space
u/warrior242 / Via reddit.com

13.This person who made a sign so his neighbors would know he was redoing his lawn:

A "New Grass Loading" sign on dry-looking grass with the computer loading bar and "Done" or "Cancel" fields
u/csidlauskas / Via reddit.com
Close-up of the sign
u/csidlauskas / Via reddit.com

14.This person who packed these "dinner for one" sets:

"Dinner for one" with a corn on the cob, a potato, and two Bud Lights
u/csidlauskas / Via reddit.com

15.This person who came up with a brilliant Halloween costume:

A ghost costume with "Had a great time tonight," "Me too," "You free on Friday?" and "Hey" bubbles written on it
u/nyl2k8 / Via reddit.com

16.This person with diabetes who labeled the candy in her house for when her blood sugar gets low:

A bag of candy labeled "Mom's meds"
u/3nd1ess / Via reddit.com

17.This person who built an outside urinal — I guess because the trip to the house bathroom was too far:

A urinal attached to the side of a house
u/ForeverSquirrelled42 / Via reddit.com

18.And lastly, this person who created a survey for his roommate's hookups and left it outside his door:

A "Post-Coital Survey" hanging on a door, along with a pen
u/themedicd / Via reddit.com
Close-up of the questions, including "How would you describe your satisfaction with this interaction?"
u/themedicd / Via reddit.com
Close-up of "A handy ruler for reference" with up to 4 inches illustrated
u/themedicd / Via reddit.com