20 People Who Just Straight Up Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You
1.The person who was betrayed by the suction:
2.The person whose car no longer belongs to them:
3.The person who added a little extra flavor to their eggs:
4.The person with the tiniest rug around:
5.The person who might have made a tiny mistake:
6.The person who learned a valuable laundry lesson that day:
7.The person who will never use scissors so brazenly again:
8.The person who hates their new roommate:
9.The person with the absolute worst seat in the house:
10.The person who wanted that which they could never have:
11.The person with the biggest spoon this side of the mighty Mississipp':
12.The person who seems to be celebrating the Lord's evacuations:
13.The person whose AirPod is on the trip of a lifetime:
14.The person whose cabbage has seen things... terrible things:
15.The person who provided free, fun transportation to hundreds of baby ticks:
16.The person whose entire life is coming apart, starting with their shoes:
17.The person whose car is on an island all its own:
18.The person who's gonna be eating good for lunch:
19.The person who had a little trouble with the creatures of the deep:
20.And the person who experienced true tragedy:
I'm so sorry.