35 Absolutely Perfect Texts People Sent In 2024 That Make Me Laugh Uncontrollably Literally Every Single Time I Think About Them

1.The astrology text:

Text conversation joke about misunderstanding astrology: "Your an aquarium" instead of "You're an Aquarius."

2.The shrimps text:

Social media post shows a message with a photo heavily covered in shrimp emojis. The text says, "my girlfriend won't stop covering every text I send in shrimps."

3.The coo text:

Text exchange joke: "Coo" - "Thanks," followed by "pigeons when you give them crumbs," and ending with "Shut up."

4.The pew pew text:

Text exchange where one person repeatedly sends "pew pew" and another requests normal messaging, expressing frustration

5.The gummy text:

Text exchange. Mom: "Your uncle gave me a gummy. Never had one before. I don't feel anything yet." Reply: "How are you feeling now?" Mom: "hamgurber the". Reply: "Oh, you're feeling it." Read 8:40 PM
u/scaryliketerry / Via reddit.com

6.The Joe text:

Text message joke exchange about "Joe Mama" with a humorous sales inquiry response regarding interest in a Nissan Rogue Sport

7.The important business text:

Tweet about someone on a bus with only "muppets" written and underlined on a legal pad

8.The mushroom text:

Text conversation about eating mushrooms, including the difference between normal and psychedelic varieties

9.The tire text:

Facebook Messenger exchange discussing RC truck tire size confusion, with an image showing a hand holding a tire

10.The vengeful text:

Screenshot of a conversation where Johnny expresses interest in buying a "small dolley," but the seller replies that it's no longer available. Johnny then says, "I hope God punishes you."

11.The useful skill text:

A device screen showing a conversation with Alexa. User asks for skills, and Alexa suggests "Big Fart." User requests "Skills shop," and Alexa repeats "Big Fart."

12.The scammer text:

Text conversation screenshot: A person receives a message saying, "Remember me? Here's a hint. A beautiful woman." Response: "kill yourself." Reply: "what."

13.The dislike text:

Text conversation with shark emojis. One shark is smiling, captioned "Cool. I like that." The other is not smiling, captioned "This one Not so much."
u/epicular / Via reddit.com

14.The apartment text:

A message thread showing someone asking if a house with 3 beds and 2 baths is still available, followed by a reply saying it's a scam

15.The Ja Rule text:

Text conversation with someone expressing they do not have romantic feelings and declining an invitation to prom
u/faydem / Via reddit.com

16.The ROOF TURKEY text:

A turkey is standing on the roof of a garage at night. A message below reads, "We have roof turkey."
u/funcron / Via reddit.com

17.The syco text:

Text exchange with a humorous misunderstanding about the term "psycho," with playful confusion and correcting typos
u/illustriousfix_2933 / Via reddit.com

18.The Ashleigh text:

A text conversation showing a typing error: "Hey Ashleigh. Are you still awake? Or did you fall Ashleighp."
u/nibsitaas / Via reddit.com

19.The under the influence text:

A humorous text conversation where a person shows their hand holding a pencil, then texts, "You still at work?" Respondent replies, "No I'm home!" Finally, they admit being high

20.The letter 'E' text:

Phone screen showing a text exchange humorously referencing "EA Sports" with a playful "I think I love you." response

21.The home ownership text:

Screenshot of a humorous text message conversation about tree maintenance and avoiding accidents

22.The international relations text:

A text conversation where one person mentions they study international relations and the other asks how the field is currently, inquiring if it is good or bad
u/ryanh090 / Via reddit.com

23.The Sheraton text:

A text conversation with one person saying "Sheraton" and later "I meant to say OK," while the other person replies, "What."

24.The washing machine text:

A text conversation between Dad and an unknown person about setting a washing machine. The Dad says he wants to wash a Pink Floyd t-shirt

25.The cooking text:

A text message exchange where one person asks if they are home and cooking, and mentions steak, asparagus, and potato. A dog meme is included. Final message is, "Don't like that pic"

26.The wet text:

A text message conversation showing a series of typos ending with the phrase "brother you can just die."

27.The grandpa text:

Text conversation: "Grandpa can hear now he finally got hearing aids." Reply: "finally" with a laughing face emoji. Large smiling emoji at bottom

28.The pizza text:

A text conversation where one person states pizza is their second favorite thing to eat in bed, and another asks what the first is. The answer is "MacBook Pro."
u/serendipty3821 / Via reddit.com

29.The wimps text:

A series of text messages: "When you gon stop eating shrimps with the wimps and come eat some lobster with a monster," followed by "what." The next message says, "Come eat lobster with a monster," with another "what" in response

30.The landlord text:

Text message conversation screenshot between Henry and Keith Landlord discussing arrangements for picking up keys for apartment 5, with a follow-up message

31.The cow text:

Text message exchange with customer support questioning a company's ad campaign about being run by cows. Ends with customer humorously responding "Moo"
u/010rusty / Via reddit.com

32.The injury text:

Screenshot of a text conversation: One person sends a photo of their hand with tape on fingers, followed by "F*ck." The other person responds, "Oh my god! What happened??" and the first replies, "I put tape on my fingers."
u/pacmanboss256 / Via reddit.com

33.The areeeeee wahhhh text:

Screenshot of a live chat conversation with multiple typos from the support agent, ending with "Let me know is there anything else I can do for you?"
u/peepeepoopooman69_ / Via reddit.com

34.The profound discovery text:

A text message conversation discussing a dispensary selling 100 mg edible chocolate bars for $12 each, mentioned as being "super good." The sender is using a Samsung device
u/comfortable-post-341 / Via reddit.com

35.And the ominous text:

Text conversation showing messages from Mom, Dad, and the user. Mom asks for fried chicken and corrects a typo; Dad mentions "May 14th." The user responds with "Sure."

What does dad know?

u/sammiblue / Via reddit.com