35 Absolutely Perfect Texts People Sent In 2024 That Make Me Laugh Uncontrollably Literally Every Single Time I Think About Them
1.The astrology text:
2.The shrimps text:
3.The coo text:
4.The pew pew text:
5.The gummy text:
6.The Joe text:
7.The important business text:
8.The mushroom text:
9.The tire text:
10.The vengeful text:
11.The useful skill text:
12.The scammer text:
13.The dislike text:
14.The apartment text:
15.The Ja Rule text:
16.The ROOF TURKEY text:
17.The syco text:
18.The Ashleigh text:
19.The under the influence text:
20.The letter 'E' text:
21.The home ownership text:
22.The international relations text:
23.The Sheraton text:
24.The washing machine text:
25.The cooking text:
26.The wet text:
27.The grandpa text:
28.The pizza text:
29.The wimps text:
30.The landlord text:
31.The cow text:
32.The injury text:
33.The areeeeee wahhhh text:
34.The profound discovery text:
35.And the ominous text: