A 4-bedroom house sold in Davis sells for $1.7 million. Here are the details.

The spacious, recently built property located in the 200 block of Mercedes Court in Davis was sold on Oct. 6, 2023. The $1,680,000 purchase price works out to $506 per square foot. The house, built in 2020, has an interior space of 3,321 square feet. This two-story home provides a generous living space with its four bedrooms and four bathrooms. The home's outer structure has a gable roof frame, composed of concrete. Inside, a fireplace adds character to the home. The property is equipped with central heating and central A/C. In addition, the house features an attached three-car garage.

Additional houses that have recently changed hands close by include:

  • A home on the 200 block of Mercedes Court in Davis sold in July 2021, for $1,227,000.

  • In September 2021, a 2,949-square-foot home on Florencia Place in Davis sold for $1,275,000, a price per square foot of $432. The home has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

  • On Del Oro Avenue, Davis, in August 2021, a 2,065-square-foot home was sold for $950,000, a price per square foot of $460. The home has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

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