6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a COPD Diagnosis

Photo credit: Daniel Allan - Getty Images
Photo credit: Daniel Allan - Getty Images

From Prevention

You may have never heard of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but 16 million Americans have the condition—technically a group of lung diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis, that causes chronic coughing and makes it hard to breathe. While doctors aren’t exactly sure why, women are 37 percent more likely to have COPD than men.

While there is no cure for COPD, there are effective treatments that can help you live your healthiest life possible, should you receive a diagnosis. To steer you toward the best course of action, we’ve consulted with top pulmonologists for the six most important questions to ask your physician about your diagnosis and care plan.

1. How did you diagnose me?

This may sound basic, but you want to first make sure you actually have the disease. “Patients can often be given a diagnosis of COPD when they have chronic cough and shortness of breath along with a history of smoking,” says James Ferguson, M.D., a pulmonologist at Newport Hospital in Rhode Island. “But symptoms of cough and shortness of breath are not always related to COPD.” Other lung and heart conditions could explain your symptoms and call for different treatments, he notes.

While COPD can be diagnosed through family history and symptoms, ask your doctor about getting lung function tests, suggests Dr. Ferguson. (A spirometry test is a common option.) “This could help confirm a diagnosis or point to alternative reasons for your symptoms,” he says. “It may also help determine what type of medicines work best for you.”

2. How can I stop smoking?

Smoking is the leading risk factor for COPD—up to 75 percent of people who have COPD smoke or used to smoke. If you light up, asking your doctor how you can quit is probably the most important question to consider, says Norman Edelman, M.D., a pulmonologist and professor of internal medicine at Stony Brook University, as stopping smoking is critical in slowing its progression.

But keep in mind that what works for someone else might not work for you. “We usually have to try different methods before we’re successful,” notes Dr. Edelman. Your doctor may have you start with simple measures, such as gum or a patch, he says. If you’re struggling, your doctor might suggest an intensive smoking cessation program at a hospital or university. You’ll have regular group meetings and be armed with tools and behavior changes to help you quit.

3. Do I need a lung cancer screening?

After a COPD diagnosis, it’s a good idea to ask if you need a lung cancer screening—especially if you’re a smoker, says Dr. Edelman. COPD is a risk factor for developing lung cancer, and studies show that people who smoke are up to five times more likely than non-smokers to develop lung cancer.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends yearly screenings for adults aged 55 to 80 with a history of heavy smoking (the official definition is a pack a day for 30 years, but other equivalents—say, two packs a day for half that time—qualify) and who currently smoke, or those who’ve quit within the past 15 years.

4. Can you walk me through how to take my medication?

Medications for COPD are often bronchodilators, which relax the muscles around your airways or use steroids to help reduce inflammation, open your airways, and make it easier to breathe. Because meds like this can be expensive and easily misused (for example, if you’re using an inhaler, you might not be breathing in the full amount) make sure you’ve aced how to take them, says Dr. Ferguson. If you’re unsure, ask your doctor to walk you through the proper technique.

5. Do I need any vaccines?

“Respiratory viral and bacterial infections can have more serious consequences for patients with chronic lung disease like COPD,” says Dr. Ferguson. That means it’s extra important to get an annual flu shot and check with your doctor if you need a pneumonia vaccine, which is recommended for COPD patients and healthy adults 65 and older.

6. How can I strengthen my breathing?

If you have COPD, this is likely your number one objective; shortness of breath tends to be the top symptom associated with the disease. Lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, avoiding secondhand smoke, and taking medications can help. A biggie? Exercise, notes Dr. Edelman. “It improves oxygen delivery to the muscles, so for a given amount of work, you have to breathe less.” Because activity recommendations can change depending on the severity of your COPD, touch base with your doctor for an exercise plan that makes sense for you.

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