Alhambra news, Aug. 7 edition

Preschool Screening

child prescreened at the Highland Primary School, 1810 Lindenthal Ave., Wednesday, Aug. 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Thursday, Aug. 15, 9-11 a.m.

This is for children ages 3-5 years old and will help to determine if a child will benefit from going to preschool. This screening does not guarantee that the child will be placed in preschool.

Appointments are needed for the screening. Only one adult per child will be permitted to attend.

For further information and to register for screening, contact Josie Carman, pre-K coordinator/parent educator, at 618-654-2107 or

School Supply Lists

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year can be found by visiting and clicking on “2024-2025 School Supplies List” to find your school(s).

Food Pantries

The Highland Food Pantry is in need of assorted cereals for children and canned fruit cocktail.


The Hamel Food Pantry is in need of mayonnaise, Quaker oatmeal, sugar, flour, chili, Hamburger Helper, frosting, pasta, barbecue sauce,cooking oil, laundry detergent, shampoo, dish detergent, toilet paper, toothpaste and empty egg cartons.

Salem Fellowship and Women’s Guild Corn Roast

There will be no meeting for the month of August. The next meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 19.

The annual Corn Roast hosted by the Men’s Fellowship and the Women’s Guild will be held at the Alhambra Township Park Thursday, Aug. 15, at 6:30 p.m.

All food, dessert and water will be provided.

New Electronic Sign for Salem UCC

A new informational sign for Salem United Church of Christ was erected on the southwest corner of what used to be the Tri Ford parking lot.

Alhambra Community Club Melon Sales

Members of the Alhambra Community Club braved the intense heat to sit outside of Maedge’s Restaurant and sell watermelons and cantaloupes.


This is one of the club’s major fund raisers for the year. The event provides the funds they need for all of the different projects they help fund and also for the scholarship they give out to help a deserving student each year.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all who came to buy produce so the club can continue to help the community.

This year they sold out of cantaloupe very quickly but hope to have more in a few days.

Grass and Property Ordinance

It is an ordinance within the village of Alhambra that all premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or growth in excess of 10 inches. All noxious weeds are prohibited.

Property must be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage. Disposal shall be done in a clean and sanitary manner by placing the rubbish in approved containers.


Mosquitoes need five days to hatch in still water. Help eliminate breeding sites by contacting the village at 618-488-3505 for larvicide or more information.

Special Occasions


Aug. 7: Christopher and Marlo Suhre, Ken and Susi Miller


Aug. 8: Paul and Richelle Braundmeier

Aug. 9: Ed and Annette Layher

Aug. 11: Jim and Margie Abert, Bob and Ginny Brown, Ron and Gale Bolen, Todd and Charlotte Zucca, Clayton and Kim Moore

Aug. 12: Don and Dianne Price, Leonard and Donna Suhre, Dean and Debra Reckman, Steve and Doris Adcock

Aug. 14: Ron and Jenna Boxell


Aug. 7: Ralph Buzick, Lilyanna Gillison, Nancy Ramsey

Aug. 8: Nancy Hanratty, Katrina Korsemeyer, Ashley Gibbons

Aug. 9: Kenny Miller

Aug. 10: Steve Abert, Robert Noble

Aug. 11:Trevor Green, Ella Cooperider

Aug. 12: Brenda Hooks, David Klenke, Gail Stevenson, Barb Reiman

Aug. 13: Erica Schoen, Siarra Price, Tolly Vassier, Emily Duncan

Aug. 14: Dawn Reinhardt, Michelle Fitterer, Jeff McGee