Americans Are Sharing What They're Most Frustrated About In The Current Political Climate, And, Unfortunately, Some Of These Takes Are Too Real

If you keep up with the politics of it all, you know just how wild it's been as of late. Recently, Redditor u/Technical_Peanut_839 asked Reddit users what they're most frustrated about in the current political climate, and some of these responses are so spot-on. Here are some takes that you just might find yourself totally agreeing with:

1."The fact that almost every politican is over 75 years old."

A man in a suit and red tie is shaking hands at an event, with the American flag in the background while others smile and clap
Hill Street Studios / Getty Images

2."That we still and seemingly will always have this two-party system. It forces me to be a Democrat because I enjoy having human rights as a queer person, and there's just no in-between on anything because of it. Honestly, I've stopped paying attention to politics almost entirely (outside of local elections) because my choice has to go to the party that doesn't want to outlaw my existence."



3."Lack of climate focus."

Icebergs float in a calm sea with rocky shoreline in the foreground. The image depicts a tranquil, natural environment with clear skies.
Ashley Cooper / Getty Images

4."I know a lady who thinks the world is flat. I asked her if I could show her a video, and she said, 'I'll watch it, but I won't believe it.' There's not much you can do about that. Once a person has decided they have the truth and only listen or watch things that reinforce that position, you can't do much with that. It's frustrating; you can't have a conversation with that. There's no middle ground, compromise, or thing we can agree on. There is no debate."


5."If I say I don't like one side, people assume I like the other."

A close-up of a ballot paper showing options for Democratic Party, Republican Party, and Libertarian Party next to a black pen
Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

6."Political arguments have become so much dumber. Arguments used to be reminiscent of an essay format with a claim and supporting arguments. And rebuttals pointed out the nuances in the person's argument that were misleading or untrue. Now, we just straight up lie to each other. Arguments have somehow gotten simpler, but the volatility in what is being said makes it even harder to actually progress on any given issue."



7."Widespread misinformation. Some people seem to get their news and political opinions strictly from social media."

A person holding a smartphone, browsing social media with several notifications visible on the screen. The individual is wearing jeans, and sneakers, and has painted fingernails
Grinvalds / Getty Images

8."CONSPIRACY! Conspiracy theories are for the powerless. It's disturbing what people will believe without a shred of actual evidence. Usually, those theories require a poor understanding of how the world actually works."


9."The lack of repercussions for lying."


10."The most frustrating thing is having to choose between two candidates who have no business being in the position to become a leader. Now would be a perfect time for a third party to come forward and level the field."

Three individuals are voting in booths with "VOTE" signs and American flags; a USA flag hangs in the background
Hill Street Studios / Getty Images

11."The constant 'apocalyptic' rhetoric. You may be unhappy with the results, but it doesn't mean it's going to be the end of the country. However, some fringe people will fall into that ideology and react accordingly."



12."Politicians from both sides of the aisle keep shouting about how the other side is 'evil' and that they can fix everything. But nothing ever actually gets done."

Person holding a sign reading "We the People" in front of the U.S. Capitol building
Antenna / Getty Images/fStop

13."I feel it has become a cultural thing now. I honestly don't think the average American really knows or cares all that much about politics to understand how policies affect them. If they run with a conservative crowd, they'll wear the shirts and hats, parakeet the talking points, and hang the banners. To an extent, it's the same with progressives and Democrats. It just feels like supporting a sports team now. Hell, I TRY to educate myself on things happening around me, and yet I feel like I'm falling incredibly short other than knowing about the latest scandals. That's probably what most people are all in for, though — the juicy shit that biased media feeds them."



14."Zero willingness to acknowledge issues and have constructive discourse around solutions. Everything's hyperbole or a principled hill people are willing to die on."


15."People making their politics views their personality trait. Like, cool, you voted for Trump or Biden, but why are you wearing their merch like it's your favorite sports team? It's weird and cringe as hell. Also, people who constantly vote against their own interests just to 'own the libs' or some other childish rhetoric."

A group of people wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats in a crowded setting, likely at a political rally or event. No celebrities are identifiable
Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

16."The thing that scares me the most right now is that we have candidates around the USA who seem to question the very value of democracy, the rule of law, the importance of free and fair elections, the peaceful transition of power, etc. We now aren't purely voting for one candidate over another because we like their policies better. We also have to factor in individual candidates' commitment to democracy and the rule of law, which seems so completely wild to me."

A person holds up an "I Voted Today" sticker with a child in their arms, standing outdoors with greenery in the background

17.Lastly: "The extremism. You cannot have a meaningful discussion. If you say you don't agree with some position, then you're automatically a racist or a communist, or you'll be lashed with other venomous attacks. News flash, folks: it's possible to disagree with someone on a policy or social issue and have it be about the issue, not about the person or any other bull. The wild, instant, incessant jumping to conclusions has ruined any kind of meaningful discussion on virtually every single issue that comes up. It is all in. You're either with us or against us."


What do you hate or find the most frustrating about the current political climate? Share with us in the comments, or you can anonymously submit using this form.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.