Arlington police fatally shoot armed man who said he was suicidal; no officers injured

Arlington police shot and killed a 23-year-old man Sunday morning in the 2500 block of Fallcreek Street, authorities said.

The man, whose name the Tarrant County Medial Examiner’s Office said was Patricio Gamboa, called 911 and told an operator he wanted to die via “suicide by cop,” a police spokesperson said at a press conference.

When officers arrived about 6 a.m., police talked to Gamboa by phone, but eventually he ended the call, according to police. He then came out of the house carrying a gun, and police said that “due to his actions,” officers fired at him.

Authorities did not say at the news conference if the man aimed a weapon at officers.


After shooting Gamboa, officers rendered first aid before he was taken to a hospital, where he died, police said.

Investigators are not certain how many other people were inside the home at the time, police said. They believe the crisis arose over a personal relationship.

No officers were injured.

Sgt. Courtney White, the police spokesperson, said officers had less lethal options at their disposal but that those methods may not have had the range necessary to subdue Gamboa.

There will be a criminal and an administrative investigation into the shooting. The officers who fired their guns were placed on administrative leave.

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If you or a loved one are experiencing a crisis, call 988, the new, three-digit shortcut that will direct callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.