Asian Politics Headlines at 3:23 a.m. GMT
Students in Bangladesh forced out the country's leader a month ago. Where do things stand now?
Students in Bangladesh forced out the country's leader a month ago. Where do things stand now?
Telegram boss Pavel Durov said on Friday that the messaging app would tackle criticism of its content moderation and remove some features that had been abused for illegal activity. Durov, who was last week placed under formal investigation in France in connection with the use of Telegram for crimes including fraud, money laundering and sharing images of child sex abuse, announced the move in a message to his 12.2 million subscribers on the platform. "While 99.999% of Telegram users have nothing to do with crime, the 0.001% involved in illicit activities create a bad image for the entire platform, putting the interests of our almost billion users at risk," the Russian-born tech entrepreneur wrote.
Xodus Advertisers, and the precious revenue they bring, have been fleeing X-formerly-Twitter ever since Elon Musk took it over in October 2022, as his leadership has been blamed for unleashing a groundswell of hate speech, misinformation, and racist rhetoric — a lot of which has come from his very own mouth. Now, the marketing prognosis, […]
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday called for modifying the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution and said if a vice president “lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president” they should be removed from office.
“It was done in four sentences because I refused to spend another dollar on that woman," Christina Novak exclusively tells PEOPLE
The mother of the teenager suspected of killing four people during a Georgia school shooting called to warn a school counselor prior to the shooting, the suspect’s aunt and grandfather said Saturday.
‘What we’re seeing now is a reflection of someone who’s very troubled and very desperate,’ says Timothy O’Brien, author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald
Abbie Rutledge, who told officer J.T. Brown during a traffic stop that she had no money to pay for a ticket, is now crediting Brown with helping her change her life
Taylor Swift was spotted seated separately from bestie Brittany Mahomes at Thursday’s Kansas City Chiefs game after the wife of quarterback Patrick Mahomes came out in support of ex-President Donald Trump.Brittany Mahomes had been a frequent companion of Swift’s since she began dating Chiefs tight-end Travis Kelce, and the two typically sat together in the same suite at games—but Mahomes found herself in hot water with some Swift fans (and potentially Swift herself) after she liked a post from D
Her bra, on the other hand, was nowhere in sight.
The pop star and the football player attended model Karen Elson's nuptials to Electric Lady Studios owner Lee Foster on Saturday, Sept. 7
WASHINGTON (AP) — Shortly after appearing in court for an appeal of a decision that found him liable for sexual abuse, Donald Trump stepped in front of television cameras Friday and brought up a string of past allegations of other acts of sexual misconduct, potentially reminding voters of incidents that were little-known or forgotten.
Ilona Maher posed on the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition. It's an important step in the right direction.
The GOP nominee pushed a false claim about surgeries for children similar to one he recently pushed at a far-right group's event.
Donald Trump gave a rambling news conference Friday that was unhinged even by his standards, with him blasting his own legal team despite their recent victories for him in other trials.Trump also skewered E. Jean Carroll, his sexual abuse and defamation accuser, and claimed that he was again being treated unfairly by courts in New York City.As Trump aired his grievances at everyone including his own legal team, his defense attorneys, including Alina Habba, were photographed standing awkwardly be
Three days after a just-married Oregon nurse was reported missing, she has been found dead and police have arrested one of her neighbors.
The high-profile Democratic governor is a cochair of Harris' campaign. She said she expects a close result in Michigan in November.
He was “subjected to not only a deadly but lengthy attack without it ever being heard or observed,” the lawsuit filed in California says.
Video of the attack went viral, showing Deobra Redden charge the judge's bench and jump over to attack Judge Mary Kay Holthus
Holy Fail When SpaceX's Starship rocket blew up — for the second time — it punched a hole open in our atmosphere, according to new research. Four minutes after launching from SpaceX's facility in Boca Chica, Texas on November 18, the Starship's superheavy booster exploded at an altitude of roughly 56 miles after separating from […]
A Chinese economic blunder will have vast global implications, William Pesek writes in a guest commentary.