Biden’s green madness is doomed to fail
After a generation of being demonised by mainstream politicians and academic economists, the term “industrial policy” has been rehabilitated in the US. But there is no agreement on what it means. Two visions of industrial policy are competing for the support of policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic: defense industrial policy and green industrial policy. While there is some overlap, for the most part these two rival industrial strategies are incompatible, so that choosing one means sacrificing the other.
Defense industrial policy is the traditional version. In the last few centuries, most advanced countries have used techniques like tax breaks, direct subsidies, tariffs, preferential government procurement to foster targeted industries, with the goal of catching up with more advanced industrial economies or remaining in the lead. While national industrial policies can serve numerous purposes, including creating better jobs and increasing exports, fear of economic dependence on stronger countries or outright military defeat has been the primary driver of national industrial policies.
Because modern military industries depend on manufacturing, defense industrial policies seek to ensure that strategic supply chains are located at home – or in allied countries. A country that is strong in civilian manufacturing can mobilise industry for military purposes overnight, as the US did in the Cold War. For this reason, the domination of much of global manufacturing by Xi’s assertive China in areas from civilian drones to essential medical supplies has alarmed Western policymakers enough to seek reduced dependence on Chinese factories.
As an alternative to traditional defense industrial policy, green industrial policy has recently been adopted by the centre-Left. It’s really energy policy under another name, with the goal to encourage the rapid replacement of fossil fuels with certain renewable power sources.
Because long-term national security and the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere in 2100 AD are not pressing concerns for most voters, proponents of both defense industrial policy and green industrial policy use two techniques to win public support. One is threat inflation. Advocates of defense industrial policy warn of US defeat in an unlikely Sino-American conventional war over Taiwan, while Green politicians and advocates cherry-pick the most extreme and apocalyptic global warming scenarios.
The other strategy to build political support for industrial policies is to promise to create “good jobs” by reshoring a range of manufacturing supply chains or by government subsidies and regulations that generate jobs in making and installing solar panels and windmills or insulating old buildings. The problem with this is that neither the jobs created by defense industrial policy nor those created by green industrial policy are necessarily good jobs with high wages and decent working conditions.
This fact is central to the current “stand-up strikes” against the big three automakers in the US by the United Auto Workers (UAW). One of the goals of the UAW is to guarantee workers in the US electronic car and battery industries, whose growth is dependent on federal government subsidies, the same wages, benefits, and rights to union representation that exist in the legacy auto industry. However, most federal subsidies for new green energy investment are being funneled to plants with non-union labor in anti-union “right to work” states, so green jobs are not necessarily good jobs.
For their part, conservative Republicans as well as populists like Donald Trump tend to imply that all manufacturing jobs are good jobs. Many trade hawks imply that a policy of import substitution replacing Chinese and other imports with made-in-America goods will somehow magically revive the high wages that made possible the middle-class one-earner working class households of the 1950s and 1960s.
But many factory jobs in the US before the New Deal in the 1930s involved dangerous, dehumanising toil at low wages for long hours for six or seven days a week. The “good job” of post-1945 factory workers was an artificial creation of government policy – in particular, government support of unions and minimum wages and hours regulations, combined with restrictive immigration policy in the US and very low exposure to foreign imports for a generation following World War II.
If they are pro-worker in fact and not just rhetoric, nationalist and populist conservatives must combine their support for reshoring strategic industries with some package of federal and state policies to increase the power of workers in those industries with the power to bargain for higher wages, shorter hours, and better benefits. Otherwise defense industrial policy will simply replace Chinese sweatshops with sweatshops on local soil.
Advocates of defense industrial policy and green industrial policy can agree on some subjects, like the need to reduce dependence on China for rare earths that are critical to military supply chains and renewable energy technologies. But for the most part the two industrial policies are incompatible.
While defense industrial policy favours a rapid and hard decoupling from China, viewed as a strategic adversary, many proponents of Green industrial policy favour appeasement of China in the interest of continued access to green components from Chinese factories. And many greens fear that a new cold war will prevent Sino-American collaboration to fight climate change.
The two rival industrial policies also differ in the choice of industries to be promoted. Defense industrial policy favours preserving or restoring a wide range of manufacturing industries, but green industrial policy is much narrower in its focus. As a result, the green industrial policy of the Biden administration has showered vast amounts of subsidies on batteries and other renewable energy technology, instead of funding drones, shipbuilding, and other civilian manufacturing industries with much greater potential military importance.
The dependence of the government-sponsored green transition on massive government subsidies means that it is likely to be defeated in the long run by its rival, traditional defense industrial policy. The reason is simple. If future centre-Right governments cut off the subsidies to favoured “green” sectors, much green investment in solar and wind energy and batteries may wither, to the benefit of oil, gas, and nuclear alternatives.
Without governments spending huge amounts to force a green transition, the attempts of some green-minded financiers to deprive the oil and gas industry of financing would likely be defeated by rival bankers more interested in short-term profits. And the logic of national security favours government support for a wide range of industries with many constituents, not just the narrow set of wind, solar, and battery industries favoured by the green centre-Left.
Industrial policy in contemporary America has a green tinge for now. But the color of industrial policy in the long run, dominated by defense considerations, may be steel-gray.