Justin Trudeau is quickly running out of feet to put in his mouth
When it comes to Justin Trudeau, the Conservative party spin doctors are akin to the Maytag repair man.
Quite simply, they have nothing to do — Trudeau is doing all the heavy-lifting for them.
Case in point: On Saturday, Trudeau opined about how he is now against the long-gun registry even after he voted — in Parliament — to keep the registry.
On Tuesday, he 'tried' to clarify his position.
"I voted to keep the firearms registry a few months ago and if we had a vote tomorrow I would vote once again to keep the long-gun registry," he said according to CBC News.
"However, the definition of a failed public policy is the fact that the long-gun registry is no more … The fact is, because it was so deeply divisive for far too many people, it no longer exists."
With all due respect ... Huh?
More coverage:
Ex-justice minister Martin Cauchon blasts Trudeau over gun registry
Trudeau admits his comments may have affected Calgary by-election
So Yahoo! Canada News went to political analyst Gerry Nicholls for a translation.
"I have stopped trying to make sense of his gun registry stance," the right-leaning analyst and political consultant said in an email exchange.
"But I am not surprised by how he has bungled this. All along, I've argued Trudeau's main weakness is his lack of political savvy. He doesn't understand or appreciate how his message will resonate with the public or media. This is why he will say stupid things."
It's not only conservatives who are slagging Trudeau for his recent bout of 'foot in mouth' disease.
On Monday, fellow Liberal leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay chided her opponent for his remarks — which came to light two weeks ago — suggesting Canada was in trouble because Albertans were in charge.
"Whether I'm an Albertan or I'm Ontarian, whether I'm from anywhere in this country, those comments do not reflect me, they don't reflect my views of this country," Hall Findlay said, according to the Globe and Mail.
"[His comments] are and will continue to be very challenging for us, even in the 2015 [general election] campaign. So we haven't seen the end of the damage those comments will have made."
[ Yahoo! Awards: Canada's next PM? You say it's Justin Trudeau ]
Nicholls says that the scary thing for Trudeau supporters is that all the recent damage has been self-inflicted.
"These are unforced errors, if you will," he said.
"What will happen when Harper and Mulcair — two street-wise politicians — start to go after him with both guns? It might be not be pretty."
It's early in the race, and Trudeau still has the charisma, energy and momentum to win the leadership.
But he's got to realize that he's in the big leagues now and that all the media attention is on him — he needs to choose his words more wisely.
There are a bunch of Conservative party operatives whose jobs depend on it.