Tory MP Eve Adams gets ticketed for talking on cell phone while driving on Parliament Hill

How does that old saying go?

'Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.'

The Hill Times' Tim Naumetz is reportingthat Conservative MP Eve Adams has received a $155 traffic citation for talking on her cell phone while driving on Parliament Hill.

A source told The Hill Times Ms. Adams, Parliamentary secretary to the Veterans Affairs minister, was driving through the security entrance when officers noticed she was talking on her cell phone at the same time. When an officer walked up to her as she stopped, Ms. Adams pointed to her Commons pin and said she was an MP, and at some point picked up her phone again, drawing the citation.


Certainly, it's not the most egregious act in the world, but it's kind of significant because of the big deal the Conservatives made about NDP leader Thomas Mulcair's recent run-in with 'the law.'

[ Related: Tory MP Eve Adams defends herself for claiming beauty products as election expenses ]

Last Thursday morning, the NDP leader failed to stop at a RCMP checkpoint on Parliament Hill as he blew through four stop signs, all while an RCMP vehicle was in pursuit. A source told CTV News that when he got out of his car, Mulcair asked: "Don't you know who I am?"

Both the Tories and the Liberals had a field day attacking Mulcair over the incident, accusing him of not obeying the law.

"As a former police chief I'm personally insulted by the leader of the NDP's arrogance and disrespect for those who serve on the frontlines. His actions today are an insult to men and women who put on the uniform to defend our basic freedoms and rule of law," Tory MP Julian Fantino said in the House.


"The leader of the NDP should stop denigrating those who serve, stop opposing our efforts to get tough on crime and stop acting like he is above the law."

[ Related: Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner slams ‘Angry Tom’ Mulcair with rhyme ]

Well, now the shoe is on the proverbial other foot.

Luckily for the Conservatives, the House has recessed for their summer break so there will be no Question Period on Wednesday for the NDP to return fire.

The 'fun', however, has already begun on the Twittersphere:

(Photo courtesy of

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