
Air Canada pilot responds to passenger complaint with snide tweet

Air Canada pilot responds to passenger complaint with snide tweet

An Air Canada passenger's online griping irked one of the company's pilot's last week, prompting a snarky response with a touch of comedy.

Twitter user Raff tweeted about a delay after his flight from Vancouver landed in Toronto.

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Air Canada, which routinely responds to complaints on Twitter, offered to look into the matter.

Another response from Yannick Charland, an Air Canada pilot, informed the frustrated passenger why the plane wasn't moving. But not without a dose airline attitude. Charland deleted the tweet but a screen capture posted by the National Post shows what it said.

"It’s a red alert. Ground staff not allowed to work due to lightning in the area. You just flew across the country in four hours. Shut it.”

The National Post reported the airplane arrived at the gate about 10 minutes later. The passenger thanked Air Canada for the response without offering the pilot any snappy retorts.

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Intentionally or not, the comment echoes a joke by comedian Louis C.K.

'I had to sit on the runway for 40 minutes.' Oh my god, really? What happened then, did you fly through the air like a bird, incredibly? Did you soar into the clouds, impossibly? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight and then land softly on giant tires that you couldn't even conceive how they f**king put air in them?...You're sitting in a chair in the sky. You're like a Greek myth right now.

But technology's wonders haven't stopped everyone from constantly complaining about airlines.