California teen’s blueberry muffin looks like her dog

Kaelin Bell, 14, uploaded a photo of a muffin that bore a striking resemblance to her pet. (Tumblr/Kaelin Bell)

Don't you hate it when your muffin looks like your beloved pet?

Earlier this week, Tumblr user Kaelin Bell, 14, uploaded a photo of a blueberry muffin with the following caption:

"My blueberry muffin looks exactly like my dog I'm gonna cry."

The hilarious photo — or sad one, depending on how you feel about eating carbs that look like animals you know — went viral.

Kaelin told the Huffington Post that she was about to eat the muffin, purchased from Costco, when she noticed the startling resemblance to her 6-month-old Chihuahua named Chico.

"I couldn't eat it," she said. "So we froze it in a plastic bag. My dad is wondering if we'll be able to sell it, but, so far, no one has offered to buy it."

Why do so many people see faces in their food?

According to a small 2012 study out of Finland, certain types of people — including the religious and paranormal believers — are more likely to experience what is known as "illusory face perception," as they more easily find meaningful patterns in ambiguous pictures.

"An ability to see faces is more common in some people than others due to differences in how our brains process information," study author Tapani Riekki, a doctoral student in the division of cognitive psychology and neuropsychology at the University of Helsinki, told NBC News. "It's normal, and actually fun, that our mind plays tricks and triggers the face perception when no actual faces are present."

"Even a small amount of information, perhaps just two dots that slightly resemble eyes may trigger the idea that this could be face-like," Reikki added.

Have you ever spotted a recognizable face in your lunch?

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