Canadian children of the 90s take note: ReBoot cartoon getting a reboot

90s ReBoot cartoon is getting a reboot. (Image courtesy Rainmaker Entertainment)

Dig out your dial-up modems from the crawl space because we're heading back to circa 1994: Canadian animator Rainmaker Entertainment says it's planning to reboot its popular show ReBoot more than a decade after the original series ended.

The company based in Vancouver, B.C. published a press release this week announcing it had a new version of ReBoot in development, planned to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the show's debut. ReBoot, which featured a group of computer programs guarding their world, Mainframe, from malicious software, marked the beginnings of digital animation and popularized computer technology.

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Bob, Dot and Enzo developed an avid following during their seven years on the air, and at least some of those viewers haven't forgotten the characters of their childhoods.

However, Enzo and friends might have to stay in sleep mode if a network — the television kind — doesn't pick up the show. Plans for a ReBoot film trilogy have failed to materialize years after Rainmaker announced them in 2008, Huffington Post reported.

Some have also pointed out that nearly 20 years after it started, ReBoot's 1990s computer lingo and character names could seem silly unless they're given a significant upgrade. For example, one of the show's villains, Megabyte, seems less powerful than a thumb-sized flash drive in 2013.

Bring on Terabyte.