Canadian expert predicts self-driving cars will lead to more sex in automobiles

[One expert things that freeing your hands from the wheel of a self-driving car may lead to some promiscuous behaviour / AP Photo/Tony Avelar]

The latest advancements in self-driving automotive technology may lead to a different kind of hands-on experience.

At least that’s according to a Canadian expert who argues an unintended consequences of autonomous vehicles will be people having sex on the road.

Barrie Kirk, of the Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence, recently claimed that self-driving technology requiring less focus on the road will encourage drivers to become intimate with their significant others while behind the wheel, reports the Toronto Sun.

“I am predicting that, once computers are doing the driving, there will be a lot more sex in cars,” he said.

“That’s one of several things people will do which will inhibit their ability to respond quickly when the computer says to the human, ‘Take over.’”

The comments come in the wake of federal bureaucrats attempting to establish a regulatory framework for autopilot technology in automobiles.

Emails obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act show officials communicating with Transport Minister Marc Garneau about concerns of distracted drivers.

"Drivers tend to overestimate the performance of automation and will naturally turn their focus away from the road when they turn on their auto-pilot,” one note said.

Right now the technology makes vehicles only semi-autonomous, and officials note that a fully autonomous vehicle requiring no human interaction is still quite a few years away from being a reality.

So in the mean time, drivers should definitely keep their love life in the bedroom and off the road until all the kinks are worked out.