Chuck Norris bests Jean-Claude Van Damme’s epic splits for Christmas

Credit: Delov Digital

Anything Jean-Claude Van Damme can do, Chuck Norris can do better.

In November, Van Damme wowed us by doing his famous splits between two reversing Volvo trucks. His stunt became "the most watched automotive commercial on YouTube ever."

For the holidays, 73-year-old Norris bested Van Damme's splits in a video titled "Greetings from Chuck" by Hungarian animation firm Delov Digital.

Sure, Van Damme has great control and flexibility, but can he do the splits on the wings of two jumbo jets while balancing a Christmas tree comprised of 11 paratroopers on his head?

We think not.

Nor do we dare point out the use of CGI. (Don't get on the bad side of the man who "can slam a revolving door.")

"Not only did Norris out-split Jean Claude Volvo Damme while making the video, but he also became the first man to fly two jumbo jets using only the heels of his boots. Still, we shouldn't act surprised: after all, this is the man who can cut a knife with butter while counting to infinity twice," writes the Telegraph's Jonny Cooper.

Other Volvo-splits parodies worth revisiting today include Rob Ford's impressive splits — and Channing Tatum's more realistic approach to the stunt.

Happy Friday.