Coffee shop scolds sugar users, demands they sample "natural sweetness of coffee" first

Is #coffeeshaming a thing? Because if it wasn’t, it is now.

This sign on an unknown sugar container in an unknown coffee shop (or perhaps restaurant, judging by the apparent menu with the customer in the background) is dripping with scorn, snootiness and a snobbish sense of superiority. Not bad for a three sentence pre-emptive scolding.

We haven’t been able to source the provenance of this sign yet, but the post has been spreading like wildfire on Tumblr, with over 30,000 notes since it was posted earlier this week.

If you’re thinking “wait - coffee has a natural sweetness?” You’re not alone. Tumblr users were equally taken aback by the airs put on by the sign.

 I am PAYING for caffeine and the right to enjoy it any way I want I will cut it with sugar and mainline it right here don’t try me.


Although ‘natural sweetness’ for coffee is cutting it mighty fine. Like. It’s not sweet. Least. No coffee I’ve ever tasted has been sweet black.

- doctor-phantasmagoria

I’m sure there are many people that try a cup of coffee before adding their sugar to it to gauge how much they need, but guilt tripping people into doing so just sounds like a good way to cause unnecessary anxiety for your clients

- pease-dtomeetyou

I would never give my money to someone that told me how to take my coffee. I feel personally attacked.


Not everyone mustered up significant outrage, real or imagines. some commenters actually defended the sign, or at least the message it represents.

The cafe sign is worded pretentiously, but there are cultures around the world where it is considered rude to immediately put stuff in your coffee before just taking a sip of the untouched drink first. It’s not common in the west but you can probably find coffee shops with this cultural ideal in their establishment.

- mad-maddie

A well made coffee should not need sugar.

- dreamingallthetime19

You’re a chef. You’ve spent hours upon hours, years upon years studying, researching, perfecting your craft. Then, someone orders something of of your menu which you have spent YEARS tweaking and perfecting, and with out even tasting it the way you meant it to be, not even once, decides to add hot sauce, salt, and ranch all over it.Sure the customer has the right to alter the dish any way they please, but it’s kind of a spit in the face not to at least try something someone has worked hard to create, or spent years mastering the craft of creating, before altering it.

- LinuxTheGeek

Maybe the best response came from a Tumblr titled “ignipotent”, which found a way to defend the message AND shoot the messenger.

I absolutely agree with the *spirit* of that note above.  If you get the chance to have coffee you *KNOW* is fresh from the top down, I definitely encourage you to try it without sugar, just to see how that taste suits you.  The level of bitterness will naturally depend on *how* fresh it is, but it should still be significantly decreased.But the tone of that note?  Oh, screw those pompous tools.  If you want sugar, add it.

What do you think? Sugar in your coffee? Signs in your sugar? Tell us in the comments.

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