Driver multi-tasks by using cellphone, laptop and headphones at the same time while driving

Despite some steep penalties for those caught, people continue to hold their cellphones to their ears while behind the wheel.

In Ontario, the fine for distracted driving can cost as much as $1,000. In Saskatchewan, distracted drivers can be dinged up to four demerit points.

But really, using hand-held devices is nothing. Try reading a book while driving. Now that's tricky. Or, like one guy in Scotland, try driving while using a smartphone, an open laptop and headphones at the same time.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, one driver took distracted driving to the next level by doing just that.

With an open laptop in his console, headphones over his ears and an open smartphone in his hand, this guy clearly knows how to get the most out of his technology while driving.

The video was captured by user Aberdeen Cycle Cam earlier this month.

"He's not paying attention the road," reads the video discription. "I suspect he's not even on this planet."

Ah yes, but imagine how much he's getting done!