Female baseball fan brilliantly shuts down sexist text from guy

[Get ready for an awesome response/Twitter/thatgirlondeck]

This woman had the perfect response for a man who thought that she couldn’t possibly be a sports fan… just because she’s a woman.

We’ve all been there – being told that we couldn’t like XY or Z because “you’re a man/woman.” And Megan Brown, who happens to be a girl that loves baseball, has had enough.

When a man messaged her on a dating app, he remarked that he had never met a girl who likes baseball. And instead of concluding that people have a varying set of likes and dislikes, he decided to quiz her (because she must be lying… right?).

“Ok then, name the NL East teams in the next 10 seconds, no googling,” he wrote. “Ready, go.”

Brown, who told Uproxx that it’s common to meet or date guys who test women to find out if they are “really” sports fans, fired back a witty response that both answered his silly question and told him she wasn’t interested.

In her hilarious pun-filled message, she incorporated all of the teams in the National League East while simultaneously saying that it was offensive of him to test her.

“It was nice to have Met(s) you, and maybe it was Brave(s) of you to ask this question, but it’s somewhat insulting. I could Phill(ies) you in on the answer, but I’ll have to pass. It seems to be a National(s) problem with men trying to Expos(e) (bonus!) girls for not being “real sports fans” instead of taking our word for it. But don’t worry – you know what they say – there’s other Marlins in the sea,” Brown wrote.

She then posted the message on Twitter, stating that it’s “so insulting when dudes try to quiz me about sports.” The tweet has since been retweeted more than 5,400 times and has nearly 12,000 favourites.

And this time, the man realized that it was probably smarter to believe her rather than assume she’s lying or joking.

“He STILL hasn’t responded,” she told Uproxx. “That said, I don’t know if I would either at this point.”