Friendless? Never fear, the ‘selfie arm’ is here

Everyone loves posting thousands of flattering selfies online, … Continued The post Somebody created an actual Selfie Arm to help you appear less lonely appeared first on Business Insider.

At first, we were excited to take photos of ourselves, no friends or photographers needed.

The result: hundreds of lonely-looking selfies.

And now, after a few years of selfie-taking, we can finally upgrade those solo Instagram photos to feature a fake friend, thanks to a new limb-like selfie stick.

The designers call it “the sarcastic solution to a quintessential problem.”

TIME calls it “the selfie stick we all deserve.”

The Verge calls it “proof that you’re forever alone.”

Artists Justin Crowe and Aric Snee designed the “selfie arm,” made from lightweight fibreglass material, to give selfie-takers the illusion of having someone in their life willing to snap a photo for them.

(Someone with a pale, greyish hand. Perfect for those who wish they could date a zombie.)

According to Crowe’s website, “Nobody wants to look alone while they mindlessly snap pictures of themselves.”

Isn’t that the point of a selfie?

And while your new photos might look like you have a pale, straight-armed friend, you will have to be confident enough to carry around a fake arm all day as you attempt to capture the perfect “selfie arm” pics.

Currently, Crowe and Snee only have plans to produce 10 limited-edition, signed “selfie arms” — at a whopping $6,200 each — although Crowe told MTV that they’re exploring avenues to bring the product to a larger market.

Fake friends are expensive.

A cheaper option: the boyfriend pillow.