
Garbage worker smashes family’s garbage can, mailbox

We're guessing this guy isn't having a good day at work.

Remember those days when you feel like smashing something? This garbage man certainly doesn't hold back as he smashes a family's garbage can and mail box.

The worker picks up and throws four bags of trash into the back of the truck and then picks up the trash can to empty it. He turns it upside down and some trash falls out, but then he gets increasingly frustrated with the can and starts smashing it with all of his strength on the truck. He chucks the can into the truck and then moves on to the mailbox.

He violently twists the post until it breaks free from the ground as mail flies out of the front. He smashes it on the ground as if he is trying to ring the bell at a carnival strength metre game and then hurls it into the truck. To make sure he doesn't litter, he picks up the garbage can lid and the mail that flew out of the box, then hops on the truck as it drives away.

We're guessing this worker has never used the plate-smashing vending machine. A person puts in money, selects a piece of china or glassware and watches it move toward the front and smash at the bottom of the machine when it falls. It was created by artists Ronnie Yarisal and Katja Kublitz to help people deal with anger.

Smashing the garbage can and mailbox is cheaper, though, as long as the worker doesn't have to pay for destroyed property.