Grade 4 student’s amazing gay pride Canadian coin design an inspiration

It’s times like these we are reminded of how full of love and innocent kids can be, before they've begun to judge others negatively for being different from themselves.

A fourth-grader named Julia was given an assignment to draw and write about her vision for a new Canadian coin.

She chose to draw a rainbow with two same-sex couples holding hands on either side of it. Her father, unaware of the assignment, posted it to Reddit after he found it in her backpack. Not only is her drawing just the sweetest thing on the planet, her explanation is even greater.

“This coin represents gay pride. …I chose two girls holding hands and 2 boys holding hands because gay means in love with a person in your gender,” she writes, as she so innocently describes the scene depicted on her coin.

Though the couples she drew are so happy in love, and the rainbow is so brightly colored, she decided to color the coin black.

“I chose black because black reprents (sic) guilt and sorrow,” she writes.

This little girl most powerful lesson comes in just one sentence:

“If you were in a different (sic) contrey (sic) were you aren’t allowed to be gay in and if you are gay you would feel guilt and sorrow. That’s why I chose gay pride as my flag,” she wrote.

It’s amazing at such a young age how this little girl attempts to identify with and feel compassion for same-sex couples, understanding that we live in a world that doesn’t always accept them. This assignment definitely seemed worth of the top marks Julia received.

(Imgur Photo)

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