Laughs, criticism for dad using Tumblr to document ‘Reasons My Son Is Crying’

It's tough being a toddler. Dad is always imposing dreadful rules, like no dragging snow shovels into the house and no eating candy from restaurant floors.

One fussy baby now has a platform to air his many grievances, in a sense, except it's mostly a platform on which his weary dad can document the daily problem of trying to understand the many and baffling reasons his son is crying.

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The blog Reasons My Son Is Crying consists entirely of this baby's crying documented in pictures and witty captions, apparently posted by his father.

A selection of the reasons that compel the little man to well up:

We put this pillow behind his head so he didn’t hurt himself on the window frame.

I wouldn’t let him drink bath water.

I wouldn’t let him drown in this pond.

The blog's cleverness lies in its comedic revelations about small parenting problems that pile up enough to fill an entire blog. And fill it they certainly do. Not a day has gone by since the blog launched last week without two, three or ten images of the child crying for reasons as confusing as they are funny.

The reaction on social media has been a mixture of amusement and criticism, with some suggesting, perhaps rightly, that this kid is going to need a psychiatrist someday.

Perhaps it's mostly parents nodding their heads in sympathetic recognition of the reasons that led this dad online to publish his day to day struggles. Or perhaps it's mostly people who never, ever want children — at least not after this sneak peek into a dad's life.

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Don't cry, little guy, the world thinks you're very funny.