Morris the cat runs for mayor in Mexico

Morris the cat is running for mayor in the Mexican city Xalapa. (Image courtesy Facebook)

He'll call council to order with a meow and he'll hiss political opponents into submission.

Yes, there's no question Mexico's newest mayoral candidate in the city of Xalapa is just the leader the town needs. Morris the cat has pointy ears and the earnest, loving eyes of cat that's willing to enact change. And he has more than 80,000 'Likes' on Facebook.

Hypervocal first drew attention to the unofficial campaign, noting that Morris has more support on social media than the human candidates seeking to run the city.

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The two organizers of Morris' campaign said they were using it to protest political corruption, according to Fox News.

The campaign's Facebook page says the cat's candidacy is intended to bring order to a post dominated by "rats."

He mostly sleeps, according to the Facebook page, and he has a special interest in "quilts, sheets, pillows, couches and clothing in general."

But surely, Morris' charm and impressive platform could make this race a tough one if he was actually allowed on the ballot.

Another cat in is having difficulty landing a government job this month, after the Scottish Parliament rejected suggestions of acquiring a cat for the post of Chief Mouser, despite a growing problem with mice in government buildings, according to the BBC.

"Will the Corporate Body reconsider if there are more rodent rompings and provide some homeless felines with some meaningful employment?" the justice committee head asked, according to the story.

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Meanwhile, mouse policy seems tighter than ever in Talkeetna, Alaska, where Mayor Stubbs, municipal leader of 16 years, accepts no rodents in the city's political sphere — nor any inferior cat food.

Fear not, aspiring feline leaders, someday the world will accept cat governance.