Mugger tries to steal cash from Barberian restaurant owner, gets a beating

Here's a tip: If you're going to try to mug someone, don't mug a Barberian.

That's a lesson one mugger learned the hard way Monday morning when he approached Toronto restaurateur Arron Barberian and tried to take away his morning cash.

In two CCTV videos Barberian posted on YouTube, the owner of Barberian's Steak House is seen not only fending off the mugger, but laying a pretty good beating on him, too.

After knocking the assailant down outside of his restaurant, Barberian pursues the mugger and throws him down again in the middle of the street. When the attacker-turned-victim tries to get away again, Barberian jerseys him, pulling his hoodie over his shoulders.

A staff member who joined in the melee wasn't necessary at all. This Barberian can handle himself. Perhaps it's all the red meat?

According to The Toronto Star, the woman in a fur hat seen in the video picked up the cash from the till and returned it to Barberian.

Good call. Clearly you do not want to make this Barberian angry.

Toronto city councillor and former deputy mayor Norm Kelly offered hsi congratulations in style: