Potential polar bear cub name may be beautiful, but it doesn’t mean anything

The Toronto Zoo’s polar bear cub, born on Nov. 9, is growing up very fast. After learning to take solid steps forward, he was finally introduced to snow on Jan. 14.

Cuddles? Snowflake? Mr. Fuzzytown?

These are all respectable name-candidates for our furry little friend here, who is the newest addition on exhibit at The Toronto Zoo.

The "Name Our Cub" contest is being held to choose a name for this adorable addition. One of the prospective names the zoo had picked out for this little guy was Searik, which means beautiful in Inuit.

Or does it? It has been discovered that the name Searik actually has no meaning at all. Oh the humanity!

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Former commissioner of Nunavut, Piita Irniq, detected the error in the name as he told the Star, “There’s no meaning, absolutely no meaning to the name.”

But the zoo checked it out on Wiki Answers! So it must be absolutely true, right?

Er ... no.

Iqaluit-based Nunatsiaq News was up in arms wondering how a reputable organization like the Toronto Zoo would rely on Wiki Answers as an authoritative source.

That’s like asking the Internet to translate an African dialect when you have one of their tribe members standing right beside you. Believe it or not, not all information on the Internet is correct. Shocker, I know.

The zoo issued an apology on Monday acknowledging that the source they used to confirm the name was inaccurate.

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Jennifer Tracey, the zoo’s senior director of marketing and communications told the Star she wants to reach out and make this better. “The intentions were good. We would like to accurately reflect that,” she said.

Jeez … it’s not as if the name meant “ugly.” It just didn’t mean beautiful.

Officials from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami are working to find the correct Inuit term for ‘beautiful.' That way they could incorporate it into a possible new name for the cub.

Even though it’s not ‘beautiful,’ Searik is still in the running for the permanent name for this cub because people genuinely like it … proving that this whole argument over “meaning” is really quite pointless. He's still going to be cute as a button whatever they call him!

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