Rob Ford Entertainment District video just another stumble by Toronto mayor

Let's face it - finding fault with Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford has become the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.

If he's not falling off the scale after a weigh-in, he's getting in fights with streetcar drivers or calling the cops on reporters taking pictures of his house.

A new week, a new incident involving the top official of Canada's largest city. It almost makes one pine for the days of Mel Lastman.

Now Adam Vaughan has decided to pile on in his transparent aspirations for Toronto's top job, calling Ford a "part-time mayor" on the Jim Richards Showgram earlier this week. Vaughn challenged listeners to go on YouTube to find video evidence of Ford's extracurricular activities.

"The real concern here is that the only time you hear about Mayor Ford has to do with things that have nothing to do with the mayor's office ... Go on YouTube, Google 'Mayor Ford Entertainment District' and tell me you don't see him hanging out."

Well, the search terms aren't quite right, but it is pretty easy to find the video in question, below.

Vaughn doesn't have to go too far to find examples of Ford being Ford. In fact, he's had front-row seats for some of the mayor's finest moments:

So really, picking on Ford because he's a buffoon? Adam, you can do better than that.