Russian daredevil photographer takes the ultimate selfies

His name is Kirill Oreshkin and he is the ultimate selfie master.

There has been a lot of buzz lately of these daredevil photographers who will risk their lives for the perfect shot.

This young Russian photographer is no different. Okay, he might be a little crazier than most, as he prefers to take shots of the city of Moscow atop the highest point he can find.

His photographs, which can be found on his website, showcase himself posing for selfies at very extreme heights in order to capture the astounding views of the city.

The shocking part is that he is only equipped with his camera.

That’s right! The photos of himself literally hanging off the sides of buildings by his fingertips are taken without safety measures in mind. No ropes, no harness, no problem.

"In the beginning, I was afraid of heights. I was even afraid to approach the edge of the building let alone hang off of it. But now, that fear is gone. It came with experience," said Oreshkin.

The tallest building that Oreshkin has climbed is the Mercury City Tower. Standing at 1,112 feet, it is the tallest building in Europe.

"What's going through my head when I'm there? Nothing special. I just try to think about hanging tight and staying alive," Oreshkin tells us in this heart stopping video of him hanging from one hand, looking down at the vast city below him. Gasp.

"When I feel confident about my grip, I have no fear."

Even though this young thrill seeker is confident in his life-threatening hobby, part of me wants to smack him for being so reckless and tell him to put a damn harness on!

Check out the video, and prepare for your stomach to drop, especially if you’re afraid of heights.

(Photos from Kirill Oreshkin's website)

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