Song ‘No Woman, No Drive’ supports Saudi women’s driving ban protest

Saudi women took up car keys in protest on Saturday in Riyadh, stepping behind the wheel to say they wouldn't be held down by laws that prevent women from obtaining a license.

The New York Times reported a few dozen women participated, one of whom said she drove 15 minutes to the store to pick up milk — a small chore that represents an immense act of defiance in her country. Some women who protested on Saturday posted videos of their drives.

A Saudi social activist, Hisham Fageeh, shared his support for the protest using a satirical a cappella song based on Bob Marley's hit, No Woman, No Cry, that's quickly going viral. Fageeh whistles, snaps and scratches his beard to build the melody behind his tune, No Woman, No Drive.

The song, produced with a media collective called Telfaz11, uses a mocking tone to list reasons why women shouldn't be allowed to drive.

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"Say I remember when you used to sit in the family car, but backseat. Ova-ovaries all safe and well, so you can make lots and lots of babies," he sings, smiling broadly.

The video has been viewed nearly 150,000 times in less than a day.

The Saudi protest didn't have an enormous turnout and it was plagued by opponents who hacked the website, appealed to authorities to step in and warned women against sliding the key into the ignition, according to the New York Times.

But some women refused to press the brakes on their efforts for social change; for them, "no woman, no drive," would no longer stand.

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