Stuck eel removed from Chinese porn enthusiast’s gut by doctors

An American eel.

Doctors have to tread a fine line when it comes to blogging about their strangest, craziest or most impressive cases.

On the one hand, there’s definite public interest in unusual medical maladies.

On the other hand, this activity raises enormous ethical concerns about doctor-patient confidentiality.

But on the other other hand (that’s the third hand for those keeping count), don’t people already know better than to stick live creatures into their orifices?

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It’s not like there aren’t myriad examples of these emergency room horrors.

And yet one doctor in China, who just couldn’t help herself from detailing it on her blog, recently treated a patient who ruptured his colon… by sticking an eel up his butt.

Now that you’ve started to process that sequence of horrifying images, let’s get into even more detail.

According to Rocket News 24, the 39-year-old man had a little too much to drink and decided it would be a great time to acquaint his rectum with a 20-inch swamp eel. Apparently, the eel and the rectum had been exchanging flirty emails on a dating site called “Worst Ideas Ever” decided to elevate things to the meeting-in-person stage.

No, that’s not how it happened. It happened because substance abuse and human folly are the mechanism behind roughly 80 per cent of the stories we cover on Buzz.

ER surgeons managed to extract the eel and save the man’s life, but not before the slithery fish ate a hole through one of his internal organs and burrowed its way into his gut.

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The man will be alright, but he will never win another argument in his life, because each time he brings up a valid point, anyone can just say, “Yeah, but one time you stuck a swamp eel up your rectum.”

And the doctor now has a viral blog post.