Target refrigerates Doritos and locks up Cheetos in gaming section, causing snack confusion

Doritos Launches Locos Tacos Chips (ABC News)

Hey Target, stop trying to confuse us.

There have been a lot of raised eyebrows at Target lately as many have taken notice that the store has placed their bags of Doritos in the refrigerated section, alongside ground meat and cheese.

Whether this is a new marketing strategy of Target’s or some weird, new cold Dorito flavor, many took to social media to voice their confusion.

Rumour has it that if you keep Doritos in the fridge, they have a special crunch.

Some speculated that the reason the Doritos are situated in coolers next to the ground beef and shredded cheese is to encourage shoppers to make nachos. But if you’re using them for nachos, they’re going to get heated anyway, right?

Apparently, in a update on the refrigerated Doritos mystery, Target confirmed that the Doritos were placed in the fridge for Fritolay's “walking taco” promotion.

And if you’re wondering what the heck a “walking taco” is, click here for the recipe. It was more than likely invented by some stoner wanting to kick his Doritos obsession up a notch. Bam!

So the mystery remains as to why Target refrigerates their Doritos … and a new Target mystery begins.

Today, Target decided to lock up the Cheetos in the video games section.

What the??!!

Consumerist reader, John, sent in a photo of the bags of Cheetos locked behind the safety glass along with popular ‘Call of Duty’ games.

“Target also locks up their Cheetos!” he wrote.

According to a Consumerist spokesperson, “Target will often display products together to give our guests ideas on how to use the items and create a more convenient shopping experience.”

News flash, Target: it’s not convenient to have to ask an associate to unlock the video game display case so that we can embarrassingly stock up on tasty snacks.