The most awesome way to quit your job

At one point or another, we’ve all sat around at work and dreamed about the day we’d get to give our two-week notice of resignation in the funniest, most creative, stick-it-to-your boss kind of way possible.

While this 24-year-old now former employee of Starbucks didn’t exactly call in a marching band to give his boss the news, he did a fine job sealing the deal with a condolence card.

“I can’t even begin to understand the depth of your loss”, the card reads. What a brilliant way to go out on top and playfully remind your manager how important you were to the team while also acknowledging that you can’t possibly understand how life will go on without you.

While for the most part playing coy like this with anyone in a leadership role at work is not a good idea, this ex-barista was armed with the safety net of already having a second job on the side and also knowing that his boss could take a joke - two things you should keep in mind before you pull the same stunt.

May this young barista’s days of haphazardly serving overpriced coffee rest in peace.