Unsettling video of rats in a kitchen will make you swear off restaurants

[More than a dozen rats can be seen scurrying up a pipe after someone enters a kitchen / funny people/YouTube]

Judging from this video, this unknown restaurant is well over due for a visit from the health inspector.

The 35-second clip shows a person walking into a darkened kitchen and then switching on the light. More than a dozen rats run along the floor and scurry up a pipe and that leads into the ceiling.

The person filming can be heard shooing the rodents as they parade up to the ceiling. Each time a noise is made, more rats appear.

The location of the business is not clear, though there are reports that it is a restaurant in California.

Some commenters saw the video as an example of what goes in restaurants.

“This is exactly the reason I burst out in laughter when people get screaming and irate over finding a human hair in their food at restaurants,” Mike Price wrote. “If only they realized all the other things they consume and are exposed to daily that they never even know about.”

“Ratatouille,” Paul Martinez chimed in.