Woman uses grammar to get out of a parking ticket

Woman uses grammar to get out of a parking ticket

Here’s another reason why you should pay attention in class: it might help you get out of a parking ticket.

An Ohio woman named Andrea Cammelleri was definitely listening in English class the day they covered commas, and she’s not afraid to flex her knowledge in times of need.

The town of West Jefferson prohibits a number of types vehicles from parking for more than 24 hours, including a “motor vehicle camper,” the Independent reports. So the woman’s pickup truck got towed.

Unfortunately for the lawmakers, they forgot to put a comma between the words vehicle and camper.

“I brought the ordinance home to my boyfriend,” Cammelleri told Fox 28. “He reads it. He goes, ‘It’s done. It’s missing a comma.”

This itty-bitty mistake gave Cammelleri leverage to argue that her pick-up truck did not meet the description, and so she did not breach the law.

And luckily for her, the appeals court agreed.

“We won,” she said. “I was so surprised.”

The village should fix the mistake if they want the law to apply to regular cars, Judge Roberts Hendrickson said.

Cammelleri said that she will be reimbursed for her towing and legal fees, which will add up to around $1,500.

“I was told, ‘don’t fight City Hall – I’d never win,’” she said.

“I did.”