Dark Knight shooting in Colorado: first-hand accounts

News coverage across North America today has been dominated by the horrific shooting inside a movie theatre in a suburban Denver, Colorado, that has left 12 dead and another 59 injured. Some of the most gripping coverage has come from local news stations that were on the ground first in Aurora, speaking to those who witnesses the shooting and sharing their harrowing experience with the world. Here's a look at some of those local news accounts:

A witness records the chaos outside the movie theatre as everyone is evacuated:

Another person at the shooting also recorded the scene at the theatre as they were leaving the building:

Two witnesses share their terror as they witness others around them leaving the theatre with major injuries:

Other witnesses shared that they thought the person was part of the show, and that he was being "theatrical:"

The role that social media played in the shooting, and getting the word out about the shooting:

A woman describes learning that her sister, who was carrying her baby in her arms at the time, was shot inside the theatre:

How a local hospital prepared for some of the shooting victims being sent there from the theatre:

A local news reporter in San Antonio reflects on losing a personal friend, Jessica Ghawi. Ghawi was also present at the shooting in Toronto last month at the Eaton Centre.

Follow our coverage as this tragedy unfolds here.