
President Barack Obama leaps to aid of fainting woman Karmel Allison during speech on health care

It has been a while since U.S. President Barack Obama first came to office amid a fevered pitch of excitement known as "Obama-mania," but apparently he can still make his fans swoon.

A woman standing directly behind Obama during a key speech on the topic of health care in the U.S. began to faint on Monday, prompting the president to abandon the podium and steady her.

“I got you. You’re OK,” Obama told the woman, according to the New York Post, before she was escorted away to receive medical assistance. Obama returned to his speech and quipped, "This is what happens when I talk too long."Classic Barack.

The woman is reportedly Karmel Allison, a pregnant California-based biologist who suffers from Type 1 diabetes.

I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded.Thanks, @BarackObama for catching me! And good thing this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)

— Karmel Allison (@karmel_a) October 21, 2013

Allison maintains a blog called "Where is my Robot Pancreas?" in which she chronicles her life with diabetes, including a recent post about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from the perspective of a diabetic (spoiler: she's a fan).

The rest of Obama's speech was a little more scripted. He expressed his dissatisfaction with glitches that have popped up in the online system for signing up for Obamacare. "There's no sugarcoating it. Nobody is more frustrated than I am," he said.

All in all, it was a rather exciting day for Obama, back at work after a 16-day government shutdown. Which was just long enough to make pretty much everyone in the U.S. a little weak in the knees.

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