Royal Agricultural Winter Fair cancels plan to run bulls down Bay Street

An effort to bring the majesty of Pamplona's Running of the Bulls to Toronto's financial district has been scrubbed over paperwork and, of all things, safety concerns.

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair had been planning to kick off its annual event with a bull run along a two-block stretch of Bay Street on Tuesday.

According to the CBC, Toronto's municipal licensing and standards department has confirmed the event will not happen.

Animal rights group Reform Advocates for Animal Welfare first announced the cancellation, saying the poorly planned spectacle would have "put both the public and the animals they intended to use at risk."

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Maybe they hadn't read up on the details: Cowboys on horseback were going to accompany the six 900-kilogram bulls through some of the city's busiest streets.

And traffic was going to be diverted, not like a recent protest in Spain where thousands of sheep blocked traffic in downtown Madrid.

The whole debate is likely moot, anyway. Hurricane Sandy is expected to make Toronto rainy, windy and miserable on Tuesday — less than ideal conditions to set massive beasts loose in the country's financial capital.