‘Skeet truthers’ say picture of Obama shooting a gun was staged and photoshopped

The latest Barack Obama conspiracy theory reached a point on Monday where a White House official was asked to address it ahead of the U.S. president’s appearance in Minnesota to promote gun control.

Obama has faced his fair share of conspiracies, from those who don't believe he was born in America to Donald Trump, who doesn't seem to believe anything. This time, the conspiracy is that Obama lied about his history as a skeet shooter, based on a photo released by the White House over the weekend.

En route to an appearance with Minneapolis police on Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney was asked about the photo's release. He said the photo was released because Obama's history with skeet shooting was questioned.

The photo, dated Aug. 4, 2012, was released by the White House following an interview with the New Republic, in which Obama was asked if he had ever fired a gun.

Obama replied, "Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time."

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White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe released the photo on Twitter over the weekend, poking fun at the inevitable backlash.

The photo was quickly dismissed by the National Rifle Association, which ardently opposes Obama's gun control plan.

A spokesman told the Associated Press:

One picture does not erase a lifetime of supporting every gun ban and every gun-control scheme imaginable.

The whole circus also introduced us to a new group of conspiracy theorists, called skeet truthers, that claims the photo was staged or photoshopped or both. Probably both. And by someone who doesn't know anything about skeet shooting or guns.

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An excerpt from the American Thinker blog:

Now, what's wrong with the president's picture? First the weapon is nearly level to the ground. Can't be skeet shooting, nor likely trap either. Second, it is evident that the President has never shot a shotgun before as his stance is leaning slightly backward.

There are more complaints about the photograph, many of which are summarized by New York Magazine, including:

  • The smoke pattern looks wrong, in various ways

  • Obama was wearing a different shirt while playing golf event earlier that day

  • Obama is holding the gun wrong

  • Svelte Obama has belly fat in this picture.

The last one is just rude. Take umbrage with the way a man holds his gun, but not the belly fat. Unless the theory is that Obama has been shame-eating over his gun control agenda.

The White House knew it was going to face opposition when Obama decided to address U.S. gun control, and Obama himself surely expected some personal attacks, even a rejuvenation of the conspiracy theorists that have plagued his time in office.

Here are two other conspiracy theories floating around about Obama’s plans to implement gun control measures:

Obama had ex-Navy SEAL Chris Kyle killed at a shooting range to ignite debate for gun control.

The Newtown, Conn., elementary school shooting was a hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration.

Here’s a conspiracy for you: The White House released a photo of U.S. President Barack Obama shooting skeet because people were calling him a liar and they happened to have proof lying around.

That one is crazy enough to be true.