Curiosity presents amazing panorama of Martian mountain

While the Mars Curiosity team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory works to get the rover back on track after several setbacks, they released another treat for us — an incredible mosaic panorama of Aeolis Mons, the 5,000 metre-tall mountain at the centre of Gale Crater, that has unofficially been named 'Mt. Sharp'.

Clicking on the image will give a closer view of it, but if you want the full experience, click on this link and prepare to be wowed!

[ More Geekquinox: Curiosity back in safe mode after computer glitch ]

One interesting thing the scientists do to these images is create a 'white-balanced' version. They do this because we're much better at picking out details in objects when we have the right kind of light. The dust in Mars' atmosphere gives everything a red cast, which tends to wash out details. This 'white-balancing' makes the scene look as though it was here on Earth, and the details really pop. A neat side-effect of the image processing is that the more grayish yellow-red sky of Mars becomes more blue.

Click this link for the full resolution version, and check out how much more detail you can see!

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