Gamer pops the question during live high-speed gaming marathon

On Wednesday night, a gamer took a quick break from playing Mischief Makers during Awesome Games Done Quick, a gaming marathon that raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, to propose to his girlfriend.

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According to, the “speedrunner who goes by the name ‘Jackafur’ pulled off a doubly impressive feat: He beat Treasure’s Mischief Makers in a little over an hour in a 100 percent run and pulled off an effective marriage proposal during one of the game’s cutscenes.”

Near the end of his Mischief Makers run, he snuck in a sentimental moment and got down on one knee, asking his girlfriend Lilly (known as “Kittyrawr” online) to marry him.

“Last year I was in like a really bad place emotionally or whatever, and I wanted to say that all my friends in the community like really pulled me through that,” he said in the room full of gamers. “These guys picked me off my feet, but this girl keeps me on my feet, so I just wanted to say that. And also, you know, I love you very much, and I’m going to love you forever. So, I wanted to ask you…if you would marry me?”

She said yes — and he went back to finish his run.

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The sweet proposal was livestreamed on Twitch.tvand seen by 140,000 people.

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The gaming marathon, which continues until Saturday, has already raised more than $500,000 in donations.