Young Star Wars fan asks George Lucas to change the rule about Jedis and marriage, gets sweet response

Colin Gilpatric


Colin Gilpatric, 7, had a serious concern.

The young Star Wars fan wrote to George Lucas, explaining that he wants to grow up to become a Jedi Knight, but also wants to get married without becoming a Sith. Could the rules be changed?

“I saw that Jedi can’t get married in a Star Wars book,” Colin, who has autism, told CBS Sacramento.

He wrote:

“Dear George Lucas, I don’t like that a Jedi cannot get married. I want to get married without becoming a Sith. Please change the rule.”

“P.S. I want to come to Skywalker Ranch please.”

A few weeks later, Colin got his reply in the mail:

“Thank you so much for writing to us with your question,” the letter from Lucasfilm began. “It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question. To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage. The Sith think inward, only of themselves. When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.”

A video of Colin opening the letter is going viral:

“I can get married?! No way! George Lucas is so nice!”

Along with the letter, Lucasfilm included some Star Wars comic books and a photo of George Lucas.

“To our complete shock, we got a response,” Peggy told the New York Times. “For them to give him that little piece of magic will make our entire family forever loyal.”

Thrilled with the response, Colin has since gotten a little ahead of himself — and into a bit of trouble at school — by asking girls in his class to marry him.

“If I ever get married, mom is going to read it at my wedding,” Colin said of the letter.

He might want to wait until he finishes his Jedi training first.